Jun 3, 2017

Good morning! 
Today was a good morning! Had my baseline ultra sound and blood draw. My follicle count was good. Ultra sounds are like hieroglyphics to look at. I tried to help you see what we are looking at with my arrows.  Here is a picture where I have pointed to all the little chocolate chips (follicles/potential babies). 8)

There are 11 follicles seen on my Left ovary. 

There are 20 follicles seen on my Right ovary. 

That means that we are going to try and grow 30 follicles. Now the fun begins...injection time. The injections are going to promote them all to grow bigger all at the same time. Then we will get 30 eggs/follicles to harvest and fertilize to make babies! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay !!! Bella is convinced your are going have 30 kids lol .. and yes she is still volunteering to be your Nanny
