Jul 11, 2017

Sad News

Hi All,
Eric & I know you all have been pulling for us in this process. We found out last week that the the 2 embryos we put in didn't stay. It has been hard, and emotional.
We take comfort in knowing that we have have 2 more frozen babies!
We are going to try again in September, only this time we will only put 1 embryo in. We will cross our fingers and hope this next one is the ONE!

Man who knew trying to have a baby could be such a long, emotional roller coaster.

Jun 22, 2017

Here are the embryos

Here are the pictures of all 7 of our embryos. We transferred 2 of them Monday, June 19th. We only had 2 more to freeze. The other 3 didn't make it to day 5. 

The Babies are in... now we wait!

On Monday afternoon we had our transfer at 1pm. Before the transfer I had 1 hour of acupuncture to get calm, increase my blood flow and make my body a happy place for these embryos.

Those 2 little white things are our 2 best quality embryos. I now stay on bed rest for 2 full days. Then light duty for the remaining days. On June 29th I will have my blood drawn to see if I am pregnant. 8) We are so excited!

Jun 17, 2017

7 Embryos

The Dugan's have 7 healthy Day 3 Embryos. We just got the call today that the embryologist report.
1 embryo- 7 cells
4 embryos- 8 cells
2 embryos - 9 cells
Monday is the afternoon!They will grow into a blastocyst by Monday.  
Let's hope they stick and grow to healthy little Dugan's!

Jun 15, 2017

Egg Retrival

Hi All,
I got to pull the trigger to release all those eggs!

Wednesday, I had my eggs taken out. They were able to get all 15 eggs out. It was a long day. I was super sore and slept and didn't do much yesterday.

This morning, I got the call that out of the 15 eggs only 7 of them fertilized into the beginnings of a baby. Not the best results. Usually you don't lose that many due to non fertilization.
                           Image result for ivf day 2 embryo
Here is what will be happening with our embryos over the next couple of days.

Please keep your fingers crossed that I don't lose anymore embryos! We will know more Saturday! Praying that they all make it and we can successful transfer them at Day 5.

Jun 12, 2017

Day 10

I have had daily appointments yesterday and today. I am getting closer to having these eggs come out. I am feeling very full and uncomfortable. I can't wait to have them out on Wednesday morning. My estrogen yesterday was 2,732 which is right where they want it to be to do a fresh transfer. 8) Which is great news.  

This was my right ovary today 6/12/17. These are 6 o f the 13 I have on that side. They are getting so big you can't fit them all into the ultrasound view.

Here was my left ovary yesterday. There are 5-6 mature ones. 

Wednesday morning looks like it is going to be the big day when I will have them surgically removed. Once they are removed tomorrow then they will be fertilized (in comes Eric's part) and they will grow in a petrie dish for 5 days. 
Then we will put the best 2 back on on Monday June 19th. 

Jun 9, 2017

Day 7 of IVF

Day 7 of IVF
Eggs are getting bigger. Next Wednesday they all get taken out!
Right Ovary still 13 eggs just getting bigger!
Left Ovary.. We finally got a good picture. There is about 5-6 eggs on this side. All good sizes. 

Jun 7, 2017

Day 5 of stimulation

Hi All,
Today marks the 5th day of medicine. I am getting good at giving myself shots. The past 4 days I have given myself 2 shots in the morning. Today, I got to double the dose of 1 shot and add a shot at night. That makes 4 shots in total a day. 😨

Here is my right ovary after 5 days of shots. I have 13 follicles/eggs. Some of the bigger ones measure 13mm in size. This means I get to take another shot to slow down the growth of the bigger ones and let the litter ones grow.

My left ovary was being a pain today and we couldn't get a good picture again. However, there are 7 follicles growing on that side that we saw.

I have another ultrasound and blood draw Friday morning! Looking forward to see if any of the smaller ones start getting larger!

Jun 3, 2017

Good morning! 
Today was a good morning! Had my baseline ultra sound and blood draw. My follicle count was good. Ultra sounds are like hieroglyphics to look at. I tried to help you see what we are looking at with my arrows.  Here is a picture where I have pointed to all the little chocolate chips (follicles/potential babies). 8)

There are 11 follicles seen on my Left ovary. 

There are 20 follicles seen on my Right ovary. 

That means that we are going to try and grow 30 follicles. Now the fun begins...injection time. The injections are going to promote them all to grow bigger all at the same time. Then we will get 30 eggs/follicles to harvest and fertilize to make babies! 

May 31, 2017

Dugan #2...IVF here we come!

Hi All,
It has been a long time since we have posted on this blog. We have a new adventure starting this Saturday at 8am. We have been fortunate enough to be able to start IVF to grow our family!

Here is a little recap of our journey trying to give Dugs a little brother or sister. When Kain turned 2 Eric and I tried to get pregnant for over a year and were successful at the end of March 2014. I was pregnant for 1 week until things weren't quite right. I ended up having an ectopic pregnancy (where the baby was growing in my tube), the baby grew so much it ruptured my tube and I lost my tube and the baby. That didn't stop us.. we then sought out help from a fertility specialist who helped us try determine why it is so difficult for us to get pregnant. We continued to try and got pregnant again Nov. 2015 we knew we were pregnant for 4 days then it was deja vu all over. I then lost the baby and my last tube. Without your tubes it is impossible to get pregnant because there is no freeway to connect the eggs to the home(uterus). This brings us to our new journey of IVF.

If you would like to follow our IVF journey I would love to have your read along and see this process. I only ask if you follow along your send lots of good, positive baby vibes our way. We would love to welcome more kids to our family to love and teach!

Here are all the medicine(mostly shots) that I get to take during the beginning phase of this journey. A little education about this is that all:

  • A normal lady produces 1-2 eggs per month, which could be a baby (if all goes right)
  • IVF cycle the doctor wants to get 30 eggs for potential embryos
  • Lots eggs = lots of potential embryos (babies)

Stay tuned... Saturday is our first blood draw, ultrasound and round of shots  Hoping to see lots of potential follicles!