Jul 15, 2018

The last little embryo that could!

We transferred our last embryo on April 18 2018. It was a good grade 5 days blast good grade (AB). The only thing we changed this time around is we got put into contact with a great natural path (AKA witch doctor)...haha! She was very intuitive and she knew me without ever meeting me! It was crazy! She said I had an over ally aggressive immune system (Kindergarten teacher of 7 years) of course I do! She put me on Zinc. She put me on an avocado a day because they are nature's uterus food. Who knew! I ate probably close to 50 or more avocados. She then worked with the fertility doctors protocol and put me on black cohosh (to help my body naturally produce and absorb the synthetic estrogen I was injecting. She also put me on Wild Yam which did the same thing only for progesterone. Then we started the cycle and I developed fluid build up thanks to all the meds I had to inject. Well "The Witch Doc" put me on bugleweed. Who knew it pulled fluid away from organs. Worked like a charm.  This then brought us to transfer day! Everything went well...strict bed rest for 2 days.
The embryo


Day 6 Positive pregnancy Test
and every day following... I maybe over tested a little!

Day 12 was the day for me! This is the day where I tend to lose babies.
Beta HCG came back at 179
Day 14-  HCG  552
Day 20- 5,666

This was a HUGE relief I had officially carried this pregnancy longer than any of the previous ones!

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