Jul 15, 2018

First Tri & begining of 2nd

Well we have finally ended the 1st trimester. Which for me this time around was filled with lots, and LOTS of sleeping. I worked, napped, ate dinner, went to bed.... did that routine for weeks! Let's just say Eric & Kain were tired of take out.  I didn't have any morning sickness with this baby. I had times where I felt nauseous, but never threw up. Thanks mom & grandma (they say this is hereditary).
I finally graduated the Fertility clinic at 9 weeks! Baby looked healthy with a strong heartbeat. With babies this young in a high risk 1 trimester they don't check heartbeat rate. It is too stressful to baby.

 Then we moved onto a normal OBGYN we had this appt. at 12 weeks. Baby was measuring a few days ahead but doing well! We were able to see the baby moving around tons doing flips even. With 2 arms and 2 legs. Strong heartbeat of 174.

Weeks 14 & 15
They have been great I feel good. I have been having tons of headaches

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