Feb 5, 2011

Baby Dugan 21 Weeks

Baby's heart beat 146bpm. According to the old wives tale, if the baby's heart rate is closer to 150 it is most likely a girl. If it is closer to 140 it is a boy. This baby is keeping the suspense of it's sex.
Baby had all 10 fingers and 10 toes. Everything was healthy and baby was an estimated 13 oz.
We were so relieved to see our little one healthy and we are so exicted to meet him or her. We were told by the ultrasound tech that we have a "very" active baby. It loves to do flips and kick its feet around.

Best picture of baby! Baby was in a breech position. This is a picture of the profile with it's leg extending above it's head. The knee cap is the bump right aove its nose, then its shin bones with its foot past its head.

This is a face picture. With baby looking right at you. The 2 black circle are the eyes. The right hand side of the picture is its shoulders and chest.

This is another profile picture. As you move right you see a cute little belly with the thigh of the leg extending up and the swoosh by the head is the foot.

Here is another face shoot of the baby. This picture includes more of the body.

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