Feb 23, 2011

More Pictures

Hi Everyone!
So we just had another check up. Baby is doing well. Heart beat is high 140s. We are feeling baby move a lot now. Eric gets to feel him/her at night. Heart burn is finally disappearing. 8) Here are some pictures from the last 4 weeks.
Week 21

Week 25

Feb 18, 2011

Getting ready for Baby

Baby is doing good and just getting bigger everyday. I am too! I will post more belly pictures next week!

So, I finally found a dress for Kim's (Eric's sister) wedding. I have been looking since December to find something for the baby if we have a girl. Her wedding color is Kelly green so this dress is perfect!!

This is what we have for our baby if it is a boy. It is a onsie and we will match it with some shorts.
I just want to be prepared because I may only have 2 weeks in between baby and the wedding.

Our next project for the baby is to get the nursery ready. Here is the one I like best right now. This could change, but it must incorporate brown. That way when the baby comes and it is a girl we could accent with Pink n and if it is a boy we could do blue or green.
I don't want a nursery wtih any "cheesy" themes. So we are going to stick with the main color being a brown and then go from there when the baby comes.
The one color I will alter from this nursery is the green to a yellow.

Feb 13, 2011

Baby Pool

Hi Friends and Family,
Eric and I made a Baby Pool tonight. We would love for you all to participate. As it is setup you can play and not bet. If you want to bet, it is a $5 buy in. Then 50% will go to the new parents (Eric and I) and 50% will go to the winner. If you would like to bet please let Eric or I know and we will take your buy in & write you down as betting. The winner will be determined by the pool.

This is going to be really fun, we hope you all play!

Feb 5, 2011

Baby Dugan 21 Weeks

Baby's heart beat 146bpm. According to the old wives tale, if the baby's heart rate is closer to 150 it is most likely a girl. If it is closer to 140 it is a boy. This baby is keeping the suspense of it's sex.
Baby had all 10 fingers and 10 toes. Everything was healthy and baby was an estimated 13 oz.
We were so relieved to see our little one healthy and we are so exicted to meet him or her. We were told by the ultrasound tech that we have a "very" active baby. It loves to do flips and kick its feet around.

Best picture of baby! Baby was in a breech position. This is a picture of the profile with it's leg extending above it's head. The knee cap is the bump right aove its nose, then its shin bones with its foot past its head.

This is a face picture. With baby looking right at you. The 2 black circle are the eyes. The right hand side of the picture is its shoulders and chest.

This is another profile picture. As you move right you see a cute little belly with the thigh of the leg extending up and the swoosh by the head is the foot.

Here is another face shoot of the baby. This picture includes more of the body.

Mid~ 2nd Trimester

These were a good 3 weeks. I have a cold that lasted about 2 weeks but all in all it was good.
If the old wives tale is true our baby will have a lot more hair than I did when I was little. I get heartburn with every meal. This is going away as time passes.

Week 18 and Week 19

1/2 way through - 20 weeks