May 31, 2011

Final Week

This is hopefully our final week. Baby is doing well still growing and moving around. Baby is just waiting until it is time to come. I am feeling more uncomfortable as the days go by. Sleep is harder to come by, just getting me ready for when baby enters the world I am sure. No weight gain to speak of just staying steady. He or she is ready to come and I am getting VERY anxious to meet this new little one.
Sorrry no new pictures the baby belly is very similiar to the maternity pictures belly.

Stay tuned for...... The Baby!

May 22, 2011

Maternity pictures

Here are some of our favorite pictures!

May 15, 2011

Baby is Full Term

Baby is now full term and can come anytime. We have everything ready to go fo baby. Eric built the crib this weekend and all our bags are packed. This weekend we also went and got our maternity pictures taken. I will post them when we get them from the photographer. We will have to see what the doctor says tomorrow about when baby might come.
Below are some pictures of my belly.

Here are some pictures of the nursery kinda finished. I need to put things on walls and add finishing touches.