Apr 30, 2011

Almost there...

Week 33- Easter Day

Week 34- Getting bigger!

Apr 27, 2011

House Remodel

Well the last week has been crazy the house was turned upside down and we got about 800 sq. ft. of new flooring. Glad it is over and it was all worth it. Baby and I are doing well.

Living Room- Before

Living Room- After

Dining Room-Before & After

Kitchen- Before

Kitchen After

Apr 17, 2011

Finished the painting the nursery

This weekend I finihsed painting the nursery. We still need to get the room set up and put finishing touches on it. I will post pictures when it is all done. This is the accent wall and all the other walls are a nice chocolate brown.

I am still feeling good just getting bigger. Here is a belly picture.

Week 31

Apr 10, 2011

about 8 weeks and counting...

So we have about 8 weeks left. Baby is doing great it is moving and rolling around all day long. I am curious see how active our baby will be when it comes out.
I started the baby's nursery this weekend. I wanted to start with the hardest wall. I started on the geometirc squares first. Here are some pictures.

Also this weekend i went onlune to look at our crib once more.. and it just so happened to be on a BIG sale. So we decided not to wait, and we bought it. It was a good thing because it was only on sale for 2 days. It is a convertible crib so it converts to a toddler bed, a day bed, then a full size bed.

Apr 6, 2011

Seattle Baby Shower

This past weekend we had a baby shower in Seattle for all of our family and my Seattle friends. Eric's family was able to join us from Boise. My mom put on the shower and she did such a great job. My Aunt Suzanne made all of the beautiful cupcakes and cookies. The whole shower was such a wonderful time! Thank you all who came. Baby Dugan is spolied already.8)

Girl & boy diaper cakes- made by my mom

Cupcakes & cookies made by my Aunt Suzanne