Dec 14, 2010

2nd Trimester

I just started my 2nd Trimester, everything seems to be going great. The heartburn is lessing but headaches are strong. I finally had to buy some maternity jeans, but all is well.

We heard baby's heart beat it ws 166bpm. Good and strong!
Here are some belly pictures from Month 4!

Week 14 Week 15

Week 16 Week 17

Pregancy 1st Trimester

Baby Dugan Due June 7, 2011

The first trimester is over it was vey easy compared to other womens. So here are some pictures of the baby belly. Not really big, but growing every day. I still fit into my regualr clothes throught the 1st trimester.

Found out - 5 weeks Week 10

a little bigger Week 11